If anyone has the correct information please comment as to why some oppose it, doing a quick google search shows me that it is a divided topic as to whether it opposes certain religions or not.
My purpose tonight is to bring, what I see, as confirmation to the Big Bang Theory, something revealed 1400 years ago, and as many of you may know, the Big Bang Theory was nonexistent until fairly recently (approx 20th century).
In God's Final Testament (The Quran) we see verse amazingly accurate in relation to the theory.
[21:30] Do the unbelievers not realize that the heaven and the earth used to be one solid mass that we exploded into existence? And from water we made all living things. Would they believe?
To me this is self-explanatory. To have something so accurate as to say that the "heaven and the earth" (heaven commonly refers to the skies/universe) were one solid mass and "exploded" into existence is simply amazing.
We have no record that the original Quran has had changes that would interfere with this "miracle" so to speak. In fact if there was a change to be had it would have until about the 19th century to be known about seeing that the Big Bang Theory had come into play relatively recently.
As a disclaimer, I hope that no one takes this as an attack on their beliefs, I am a human being just like all of you are, I've believed different things in my lifetime but the overwhelming evidence, no matter how much my heart may have opposed initially, I fear I would be utterly helpless if I were to reject it. God knows He is the Truth that is why He tells us to verify it:
[17:36] You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.
To read more about the topic on the creation of the universe in relation to God's revelations, please check out:
Thank you all for reading.
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