Many of those miracles today, of course we cannot go back in time and see and we have not seen something of that magnitude in our lives today (such as the parting of the sea, ressurection, a prophecy of disaster for transgressing, etc) but curiously enough, we have evidence of supernatural knowledge, mentioned in Scripture, yet not known until the 19th century or long after.
When I was younger, I came to a point in my life when I had asked family and those around me about the existence of a "God." I was doubtful and not very convinced that this "Being" actually existed because I did not think we had any evidence of this. Also it seemed like science was always opposed to religion, but I found this to be less and less true reading about some of the "scientific" miracles in scriptures.
If one simply starts searching google for "Scientific miracles of..." the autocomplete tends to come up with "of the Quran" or Koran for different spellings.
I am trying to be the least bias about this as possible so please bear with me and read on..
Though I myself was raised in a Muslim household I should note that today I disagree with many of the innovations of "Islam" attributed to the prophet Muhammad which has been a consistent source for attacking Islam in the media. What most people do not know is that most of these attacks are attributed to "Hadith (supposed sayings of the prophet) and Sunna (supposed actions of the prophet). To me these are no more than a contradictory source of history not to be taken in light of what the God of the Quran tells us to follow alone, simply, the Quran.
There will be neverending debates on this but for our purpose let us move on to the topic we are talking about before I get any more off topic.
Now in order to promote religious unity here, I should first say that Muslims believe (or what I believe they 'should' be believing) that the Torah and Gospel are both sources of divine revelation, though over time we have seen them tainted by the hands of men and though many parts of the Bible could very well still be true (and chances are we have many parts of the bible that are original) it is difficult to find accuracy because the Bible was given in a time where teachings were by word of mouth.
Now to get straight back to some examples of "Scientific Miracles" as some would call them:
Here is one that is quite modern:
The first verse of chapter 54 in the Quran states:
[54:1] The Hour has come closer, and the moon has split.
Now let us take a look at the Chapter (sura) number and verse number.
When humans landed on the moon, their time of DEPARTURE ("splitting" because they took moon rocks with them) was 17:54:1 <-- Universal Time or 1:54:1 <--- EDT
This is an amazing coincidence and is backed up by even more evidence that I plan to discuss sometime later after mentioning another "mathematical miracle" of the Quran.
To be fair for those who are curious now, in short I can say that the Quran seems to have a "common demoninator" of 19 and in 54:1 where the moon is mentioned, it is the "19th" time the moon is mentioned in the whole Quran.
Before asking yourself "so what?" you will either have to read up some more on this yourself or wait until I, God willing, post more about it some other day.
Sorry for the long post, I'll finish up with a couple interesting verses:
[17:36] You shall not accept any information, unless you VERIFY it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.
Invitation to All Believers
[3:64] Say, "O followers of the scripture, let us come to a logical agreement between us and you: that we shall not worship except GOD; that we never set up any idols besides Him, nor set up any human beings as lords beside GOD." If they turn away, say, "Bear witness that we are submitters."
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