Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Curious World We Live In

We live in a curious world these days, so much ignorance spreads so rapidly and though so many people know whats bad for them it feels like they are compelled to do it anyway sometimes, I'm also speaking for myself on this.

I hope to create a blog to cover some thoughts on the creation of the universe, is it from a God or are we the creators as some would speculate?

Because I do not have much time tonight to type this up, I will leave that as the opening question that stirs up so many minds and ends up in endless debates.

Now since this is my first post I will do some testing, though I know leaving comments open only ends up in heated debates I want to see how it turns out for now, and if possible I will close it off later should things get out of hand. I know we have a lot of kids on the internet, many are smart but all of them still have much to learn so please think before you post, though, as I say this I know it wont change the inevitable.

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