Friday, September 5, 2008

Why Are We Here?

A question that has come up in everyone's mind has always been "Why are we here?"

Many scholars have attempted to answer this question, some have been content with their answers, other unsatisfied.

Redemption seems to be the biggest answer to this, but with that people are still not satisfied, they feel like its a lie if there is not a story behind it, but what if it is the truth, and we are denying it?

The Quran gives its point of view in light of this question, by far the best and most supported answer I have seen.

[38:67]  Say, "Here is awesome news.
[38:68]  "That you are totally oblivious to.
[38:69]  "I had no knowledge previously, about the feud in the High Society.
[38:70]  "I am inspired that my sole mission is to deliver the warnings to you."

The news is truly awesome, we learn some interesting points in the Quran about the acceptance of the gift/burden of freedom. 

[33:72]  We have offered the responsibility (freedom of choice) to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains, but they refused to bear it, and were afraid of it. But the human being accepted it; he was transgressing, ignorant.

Satan's rebellion and idea that he could be a "god" himself has landed us in this situation. There were different categories depending on one's stance at the time of "the Feud."

As far as we know, Angels are those closest to God, the ones who took God's offer to stay in His kingdom and be devoted to Him alone.

The souls that were hesistant but did end up accepting the offer, as pointed out in 33:72, have become the heavens and the earth, the dog who pants whether you yell at him or pet him, the animals who live without ego.

The next souls were the humans, they could not make a firm decision to stick with God and see if Satan's claim was true, God offered us the responsibility of freedom and we took it, now we have another chance to redeem ourselves.

Jinns were the more "rebellious" souls, so to speak. They thought Satan could be a god and are born from fire.

[15:27]  As for the jinns, we created them, before that, from blazing fire.

[18:50]  We said to the angels, "Fall prostrate before Adam." They fell prostrate, except Satan. He became a jinn, for he disobeyed the order of His Lord. Will you choose him and his descendants as lords instead of Me, even though they are your enemies? What a miserable substitute!

As a student of Submitting to God alone, we learn that God does not put anyone in Hell, that is where they lead themselves. Many people already suffer in Hell on earth without realizing it. With God is all knowledge, He knows what is the most fair thing to do, I think to argue about God without knowledge, only guesswork, is ignorant. Instead we should look for evidence, PROOF, that God exists and from there instead of wasting our time asking "why why why" we should heed the proof and move forward. Proof is exactly what God gave us, God willing I will discuss more of it in detail with the knowledge given to us by our Lord.


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